Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment and Costs
Premiums for plans offered by AKC Pet Insurance start as low as $10/month for Accident and Illness coverage. Factors including age, ZIP code, and optional policy add-ons all affect monthly premiums. In addition to policy add-ons, AKC Pet Insurance policyholders can customize their coverage by selecting annual reimbursement limits, and deductible amounts.
Yes. Policyholders can visit any licensed veterinarian in the United States or Canada. This includes specialists and emergency clinics, because AKC Pet Insurance understands that not all accidents, illnesses, and emergencies occur between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
No. AKC Pet Insurance will not increase any policyholder’s rates based on the number of claims filed or the amount of reimbursement provided. Any rate increases that policyholders experience are based exclusively on market conditions.
Yes. Dogs and cats are both eligible for AKC Pet Insurance.
Some states may require that a puppy be at least 8 weeks of age and a kitten be at least 10 weeks of age to enroll in a plan offered by AKC Pet Insurance. Please check your policy for more details.
Yes. There is no maximum age for enrollment with AKC Pet Insurance. Keep in mind, however, that pets over nine years of age are only eligible for Accident coverage.
Yes. Mixed-breed dogs and cats are eligible for AKC Pet Insurance.
No. AKC Pet Insurance does not impose any breed-specific exclusions on cats or dogs.
No. Registration is not a prerequisite for enrolling with AKC Pet Insurance.
Yes. AKC Pet Insurance offers a 5% (five percent) multi-pet discount* for policyholders who get coverage for more than one pet. During the enrollment process, this discount is applied at checkout.
*Only available with new policies. Not available in all states. If you have more than one pet or add a pet to your existing coverage, you may receive a 5% multi-pet discount on your policies.
Current policyholders who are interested in adding additional pets to their policies can access their account through the customer portal or contact AKC Pet Insurance’s Customer Care Team at 1-866-725-2747 to make the necessary updates.
Yes. AKC Pet Insurance’s customer portal provides access to all essential policy documents, coverage details, claims updates, payment information, and more. Policyholders can submit and review claims, add a pet to their policy, change coverage options, and update their profiles from their computer or mobile device.

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